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Set Price Extrinsic

Now that we have our Pallet set up to handle balances, let's actually use them.

In this step, we will create an extrinsic which allows the owner of a kitty to set a price for the kitty.

Set Price

The set price extrinsic is pretty straight forward.

As we noted in the last step, we allow the price field of a kitty to be Option<BalanceOf<T>>, where None denotes a kitty which is not for sale, and Some(price) denotes a kitty which is for sale at some price.

With this in mind, our set_price extrinsic will also accept an Option<BalanceOf<T>> so that a user can put the kitty on or off the market.

Your Turn

In this step, you will scaffold the extrinsic and internal functions for set_price.

  • Create a new event PriceSet with the fields noted in the template.
  • Create a new extrinsic set_price with the params noted in the template.
  • Create a new internal function do_set_price which simply deposits the PriceSet event.

We will actually populate the logic for do_set_price in the next step.


Set Price Extrinsic

Now that we have our Pallet set up to handle balances, let's actually use them.

In this step, we will create an extrinsic which allows the owner of a kitty to set a price for the kitty.

Set Price

The set price extrinsic is pretty straight forward.

As we noted in the last step, we allow the price field of a kitty to be Option<BalanceOf<T>>, where None denotes a kitty which is not for sale, and Some(price) denotes a kitty which is for sale at some price.

With this in mind, our set_price extrinsic will also accept an Option<BalanceOf<T>> so that a user can put the kitty on or off the market.

Your Turn

In this step, you will scaffold the extrinsic and internal functions for set_price.

  • Create a new event PriceSet with the fields noted in the template.
  • Create a new extrinsic set_price with the params noted in the template.
  • Create a new internal function do_set_price which simply deposits the PriceSet event.

We will actually populate the logic for do_set_price in the next step.


